DONATE to the Beaufort Symphony Orchestra
via PayPal™

Platinum … $2000 or more
Ted & Joanie Barber
Charlotte & Chris Beebe
Bob & Eileen Blovad
Michael & Barbara Carakostas
Luanne H. Elliot
Richard Hoeksema
Ed & Ellen Like
Cheryl & Guy Paschal
Dr. Irwin Potkewitz & Joan Simon
Lee Scher
Joan & Dick Schmaltz
Robert & Kathy Shields
Golden Baton … $1000 -$1999
Dr. & Mrs. Aaron Bliley
Steve & Connie Brotzman
George & Peggy Dale
Anthony Dente
Fripp Island Friends of Music
Earl & Bonnie Mason
Francis & Joell Newton
James & Vernette Richmond
George Sakakini
Gerald M. Smith
Mark & Susan Solow
Bill & Shanna Sullivan
Albert Wood
Jane Wooten
Benefactor… | $600 -$999
John & Mary Ferguson
Laurence & Patricia Gordon
Betsy Hammet
Larry & Diane Laughlin
Paul & Sue Mannheim
Lydia & Myron Minich
William B. Ten Eyck
Patron … $300 -$599
Bob & Barbara Anderson
William Bardenwerper
Lois B. Cochrane
Juanita Collings
Ann Craigmile
Jim & Suzy Fargher
Scrib & Ann Fauver
Pat & Margaret Gibson
Joan H. Hedley
Richard T. & Mary S. Heglin
Dean Hewitt
Thomas J. Hurley
Herb & Marge Jarvis
Martha Jennings
Bill & Sally Jessee
Tim Maier
John & Pricilla Mayers
Elizabeth McCornock
Walker & Lee Merrill
Delinda Mix
Sanford Morse & Sally Coulten
Gail Mulvihill
Josie & Bill Paddock
Bonita Payne
Peter & Jane Post
Allan & Joan Rayfield
Chuck & Judy Raynor
Daryll & Katherine Samples
Jerry & Missy Schultze
Chuck & Ingrid Schweitzer
Bev & Larry Van Dillen
Roy Walters
Steve & Paula Wexler
Rinehart & Diane Wilke
Friend … $150 -$299
Gayle Bartley
Ed & Pam Berg
Lorna Bonner
Jack Brown
Judith Brown
Ann E. Bunnell
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Burke
Lois Cavanagh
Ron & Susan Converse
Cathy Crocker
David & Martha Crowley
Jim & Cec Danigelis
Bob & M J Day
Gene & Fran Dolan
Jennifer & Jim Flanagan
Jack C. Forster
John & Margo Freund
Peggy & Bruce Fryer
William Gardner & Sue Ward
Joel Greene
Mr. & Mrs. W. Brantley Harvey, Jr.
Bob & Sally Haxby
Josh & Erin Hicks
Larry & Jackie Katz
Dr. A. Lanny Kraus & Patricia Jaudon
Col. & Mrs. William Krebs
Carol Mather
John & Karin McCormick
Terry & Deborah Mitchell
Robert & Barbara Priest
William B. Rhoten
David & Julie Schmidt
John & Linda Sheppard
Jim & Charlene Shufelt
Bob Steinmetz & Pat Ashton
Don & JoAne Stovall
Keith & Karen Waldrop
Robin Weeman
Together we can keep the musicians on the stage, allow our stellar music director to create new and even more exciting programs for our enjoyment, and nurture the young talent that is Beaufort's treasured musical future.
Thank you all for your support!
Edward M. Like
President Emeritus, Board of Directors
Season tickets are available; CLICK HERE
Season Ticket sales address: Orchestra Tickets, P.O. Box 504, Beaufort, SC 29901.“Keep the Music Live!”
Please contact us if your business
would be interested in supporting
our local orchestras.